Download an editable PowerPoint slide with the Gold, Bronze, and Silver metallic text here. Here we used a slightly different gradient for a different look. Adjust the bevel depth until you get the effect you’re looking for.

Go to the TEXT OPTIONS tab, then the EFFECTS tab. Right-click on your text box and select FORMAT SHAPE. This can be tricky depending on the font you use – fonts with thin serifs like this one can be problematic with the bevel, but it worked well in this case. We can further emphasize the metallic effect by adding a bevel onto the text. Here we used a 6-stop gradient to get all the metallic colors, and a 10° angle to get a reflective effect. Go to the TEXT OPTIONS tab, and under TEXT FILL, apply a GRADIENT FILL. Right-click on your text box (important, make sure it’s the text box and not while editing text) and select FORMAT SHAPE.

To start off, we’re just applying a gradient to the text. Adding metallic effects on text is simple to accomplish in PowerPoint, and the best part is that the text will always remain editable even with the effects applied. We’ve reviewed creating metallic effects on shapes and lines, but the real question is – how does it work on text? The answer is, very well and very easily. To make changes, select the option from the menu and choose your desired change from the menu that opens.