Advance Map V 1.95
Advance Map V 1.95

Advance Map V 1.95

the status of Academic Probation in the most recent completed semester and.more than 30 credit hours (or more than 20 credit hours for an associate degree program) or after completion of the 4 th Academic Term and.

Advance Map V 1.95

Academic Dismissal - The status of Academic Dismissal is applied to a student with:.First-year and transfer students in the first matriculated semester are not subject to Academic Probation. Academic Probation - A student is on Academic Probation when the student's cumulative grade point average is below 2.0 after accruing 30 or more cumulative hours (or 20 or more cumulative hours for an associate degree program) or completing a 4 th Academic Term.the student's cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0 prior to accruing 30 cumulative hours (or 20 cumulative hours for an associate degree program) or completing a 4 th Academic Term.the student's most recent semester grade point average is less than 2.0 or.Academic Warning - A student is on Academic Warning status when:.Academic Good Standing - A student is in Academic Good Standing if enrolled in a degree-seeking program and not in the first term of Academic Recovery.Academic Term - A fall, spring, summer I or summer II semester in which a student registers for one or more courses.Undergraduate baccalaureate and associate degree-seeking students are subject to the academic standing rules addressed in this policy. If a new version is approved during the 2022-2023 academic year, the policy document link below and this Bulletin page will be updated accordingly. NOTE: This policy is currently under review.

Advance Map V 1.95